177. Neto, B. L.; Lousa, R. ; Electrostatic System with Divergence-Free Bach Tensor and Non-Null Cosmological Constant. Forum Mathematicum, V. 36, P. 599-613, 2024.
176. Neto, B. L.; dos Santos Reis, H. F. ; Novais, R. ; Rotational Solitons for the Curve Shortening Flow Revolution Surfaces. Results Mathematics, V. 79, P. 1-18, 2024.
175. Tokura, Willian ; Barboza, M. B. ; Batista, E. ; Kai, P. M. ; On Almost Quotient Yamabe Solitons. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, V. 1, P. 1-15, 2024.
174. Reis. H; Neto, B. L. ; Novais, R. ; Rotational Solitons for the Curve Shortening Flow Revolution Surfaces. Results Mathematics, V. 79, P. 190, 2024.
173. Tokura, Willian ; Barboza, M. B. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Properties of Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Mediterranean Journal Mathematics, V. 20, P. 248, 2023.
172. Correia, P. G. ; Pina, R. da S. ; Neto, B. L. ; An Analysis of Symmetry Groups of Generalized M-Quasi-Einstein Manifolds. Colloquium Mathematicum, V. 173, P. 77-88, 2023.
171. Neto, B. L.; Lousa, R. ; Andrade, M. ; On the Geometry of Electrovacuum Spaces in Higher Dimensions. Annales Henri Poincare, V. 24, P. 3153-3184, 2023.
170. Neto, B. L.; Poveda, J. ; Rigidity Results for Shrinking and Expanding Ricci Solitons. Journal Geometric Analysis, V. 33, P. 1, 2023.
169. Neto, B. L.; dos Santos Reis, H. F. ; Novais, R. ; Self-Similar Solutions to the MCF in R3. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 87, P. 1-22, 2023.
168. Corro, A. M. V. ; Riveros, C. M. C. ; Lopes, M. L. ϵ-Isothermic Surfaces Pseudo-Euclidean 3-Space. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10, P. 129-146, 2023.
167. V. Corro, A. M. V. M. ; Lopes, M. L. ; Solutions to the Calapso, Zoomeron, and Davey-Stewartson III Equations Using Ribaucour Transformations. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10, P. 299-309, 2023.
166. Corro, A. M. V. ; Ferro, M. L. ; Isothermic Surfaces Associated with the Cylinder Obtained by Ribaucour Transformations. Mathematical Notes, V. 114, P. 728-747, 2023.
165. Corro, A. M. V. ; Lopes, M. L. ; New Isothermic Surfaces in S3. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10, P. 114-128, 2023.
164. Tokura, Willian ; Barboza, M. B. ; Batista, E. ; Menezes, I. ; Rigidity Results for Riemann and Schouten Solitons. Mediterranean Journal Mathematics, V. 20, P. 1-12, 2023.
163. Tokura, Willian ; Barboza, M. B. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Properties of Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Mediterranean Journal Mathematics, V. 20, P. 10-28, 2023.
162. Neto, B. L. ; Novais, R. ; Reis. H. ; Self-Similar Solutions to the MCF in R3. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 87, P. 101985, 2023.
161. Ferro, M. L. ; Armando M. V. Corro ; New Isothermic Surfaces S^3. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10(1), P. 114-128, 2023.
160. Armando M. V. Corro; Carlos M. C. Riveros ; Ferro, M. L. ; E-Isothermic Surfaces in Pseudo-Euclidean 3-Space. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10(1), P. 129-146, 2023.
159. A. M. V. Corro; Ferro, M. L. ; Isothermic Surfaces Associated with the Cylinder Obtained by Ribaucour Transformations*. Mathematical Notes, V. 114, P. 728-747, 2023.
158. Armando M. V. Corro; Ferro, M. L. ; Solutions to the Calapso, Zoomeron, and Davey-Stewartson III Equations Using Ribaucour Transformations. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 10(2), P. 299-309, 2023.
157. Chaves, A. P. A. A. ; Holanda, F. B. L. ; Cunha, G. D. ; Andrade, K. S. ; Gonçalves, L. F. ; Gomide, O. M. L. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Vargas, T. M. ; Vargas Junior, V. ; Barboza, M. B. ; Resolução Comentada das Provas da XXXI OMEG. Revista da Olimpíada, V. 18, P. 5-23, 2023.
156. Tokura, W. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B. ; On Finslerian Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society (Online), V. 53, P. 873-894, 2022.
155. Batista, E. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Tokura, W. ; Gradient Einstein-Type Structures Immersed in a Riemannian Warped Product. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 176, P. 104510, 2022.
154. Tokura, Willian ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B.; The Nonexistence of Gradient Almost Ricci Solitons on Warped Products. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 82, P. 101884, 2022.
153. Neto, B. L.; Poveda, J. ; A Note on Four-Dimensional Gradient Yamabe Solitons. International Journal Mathematics, V. 33, P. 1-7, 2022.
152. Neto, B. L.; Coutinho, F.; Mean-Stable Surfaces in Static Einstein-Maxwell Theory. Letters Mathematical Physics, V. 112, P. 1, 2022.
151. Corro, A. M. V.; Riveros, C. M. C. ; Fernandes, K. V. ; Ribaucour Surfaces of Harmonic Type. International Journal Mathematics, V. 33, P. 2250006-2250031, 2022.
150. Lopes, M. L.; Corro, A. M. V. ; Relatives Geometries. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 9, P. 243 - 257, 2022.
149. Cintra, A. A.; Santos, I. C. ; Applications of Differential Calculus in Medicine. International Journal Health Science, V. 2, P. 1-7, 2022.
148. Ferreira, O. P. ; Lemes, M. ; Prudente, L. F. ; On the Inexact Scaled Gradient Projection Method. Computational Optimization and Applications, V. 81, P. 91-125, 2022.
147. Tokura, W. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B. ; On Finslerian Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Bulletin The Brazilian Mathematical Society, V. 53, P. 1, 2022.
146. Tokura, Willian ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B. The Nonexistence of Gradient Almost Ricci Solitons on Warped Products. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 82, P. 101884, 2022.
145. Tokura, W. ; Batista, E. D. ; Kai, P. M. ; Barboza, M. B. ; Triviality Results for Quasi K-Yamabe Solitons. Archiv Der Mathematik (Electronic Ed.), P. 1, 2022.
144. Armando M. V. Corro; Ferro, M. L. ; Relatives Geometries. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 9(2), P. 243-257, 2022.
143. V. Corro, A. M. V.; W. S. Ruys; Generalized Hypersurfaces of Spherical Type. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 85, P. 1-18, 2022.
142. Corro, A. M. V.; L. R. P. Santos; Generalized Weingarten Hypersurfaces of Radial Support Type. Serdica Mathematical Journal, V. 48, P. 69-102, 2022.
141. Chaves, A. P. A. ; Holanda, F. B. L. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Vargas, T. M. ; Andrade, K. S. ; Resolução Comentada das Provas da XXX OMEG. Revista da Olimpíada, V. 17, P. 5-24, 2022.
140. Adriano, L. R. Rosa ; Menezes, I. Ferreira de ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Pina, R. da Silva. Exact Solutions to the Einstein Field Equation on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Results Mathematics, V. 76, P. 175, 2021.
139. Adriano, L. R. Rosa; Menezes, I. Ferreira de ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Pina, R. da Silva; Exact Solutions to the Einstein Field Equation on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Results Mathematics, V. 76, P. 1/175-18, 2021.
138. Coutinho, F. ; dos Santos Reis, H. F. ; Neto, B. L. ; On the Fluid Ball Conjecture. Annals Global Analysis and Geometry, V. 60, P. 455-468, 2021.
137. Neto, B. L. ; Vanishing Conditions for the Weyl Tensor on Einstein-Type Manifolds. Pacific Journal Mathematics, V. 314, P. 99-113, 2021.
136. Neto, B. L.; Solorzáno, N. ; On Spherically Symmetric Finsler Metrics with Scalar and Constant Flag Curvature. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 79, P. 1-17, 2021.
135. Neto, B. L.; de Melo, A. P. ; Menezes, I. ; Pina, R. da S. ; Static Einstein-Maxwell Space-Time Invariant by Translation. General Relativity and Gravitation, V. 53, P. 92-1--21, 2021.
134. Corro, A. M. V.; Ferro, M. L. ; New Flat Surfaces in S3. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 8, P. 75-82, 2021.
133. V. Corro, A. M. V. M. ; Lopes, M. L.; New Flat Surfaces in S3. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 8, P. 75-82, 2021.
132. Neto, B. L. ; Coutinho, F. ; Reis. H; On the Fluid Ball Conjecture. Annals Global Analysis and Geometry, V. 60, P. 455-468, 2021.
131. Carlos M. C. Riveros ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Reyes, E. O. S. ; Hypersurfaces with Radial Mean Curvature in Space Forms. Nexux Mathematicae, V. 4, P. 1-24, 2021.
130. Marcelo Souza; Pina, R. ; Araújo, K. O. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Complete Surfaces with Zero Curvatures in Conformally Flat Spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 96, P. 363-376, 2020.
129. Marcelo Souza; Pina, R. ; Araújo, K. O. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Complete Surfaces with Zero Curvatures in Conformally Flat Spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 96, P. 363-376, 2020.
128. Pina, R.; Neto, B. L. ; Bezerra, T. F. ; Invariant Solutions for Gradient Ricci Almost Solitons. São Paulo Journal Mathematical Sciences, V. 14, P. 123-138, 2020.
127. Pina, R.; Araújo, K. O. ; Souza, M. A. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Complete Surfaces with Zero Curvatures in Conformally Flat Spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 96, P. 363-376, 2020.
126. Pina, R.; Correia, P. G. G. ; Quasi-Einstein Manifolds With Structure Warped Product. ; Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 72, P. 1-16, 2020.
125. Pina, R.; Menezes, I.; On Gradient Schouten Solitons Conformal to a Pseudo-Euclidean Space. Manuscripta Mathematica, V. 163, P. 395-406, 2020.
124. Tokura, Willian ; Adriano, L. R. ; Xia, C. ; The Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg Inequality on Metric Measure Spaces. Manuscripta Mathematica, V. 165, P. 35-59, 2020.
123. Coutinho, F. ; Diógenes, R. ; Neto, B. L. ; Ribeiro Jr, E.; Static Perfect Fluid Space-Time on Compact Manifolds. Classical and Quantum Gravity, V. 37, P. 015003, 2020.
122. Neto, B. L.; Pina, R. da S. ; Bezerra, T. F. ; Invariant Solutions for Gradient Ricci Almost Solitons. São Paulo Journal Mathematical Sciences, V. 14, P. 123-138, 2020.
121. dos Santos, J. ; Neto, B. L. ; Reduction of Gradient Ricci Soliton Equations. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-Mathematica, V. 45, P. 1-9, 2020.
120. Neto, B. L.; Cintra, A. A. ; dos Santos Reis, H. F. ; A Family of MCF Solutions for the Heisenberg Group. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 71, P. 101633, 2020.
119. Neto, B. L.; Pina, R. da S. ; dos Santos, João Paulo; Einstein Hypersurfaces in Sn x R and Hn x R. Bulletin The Brazilian Mathematical Society, P. 1-10, 2020.
118. Neto, B. L.; Pina, H. ; Ribeiro Jr, E. ; Volume Growth for Geodesic Balls in Static Vacuum Space 3-Manifolds. Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata, V. 199, P. 863-873, 2020.
117. Araújo, K. O. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Pina, R. ; de Souza, M. A.; Complete Surfaces with Zero Curvatures in Conformally Flat Spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 96, P. 363-376, 2020.
116. V. Corro, A. M. V.; G. Dias, D. ; C. Riveros, C. M. C.; Hypersurfaces of the Degenerate Spherical Type. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 7, P. 214-221, 2020.
115. Cintra, A. A.; Neto, B. L. ; dos Santos Reis, H. F.; A Family of MCF Solutions for the Heisenberg Group. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 71, P. 101633, 2020.
114. Cintra, A. A. ; Neto, B. L. ; dos Santos Reis, H. F.; A Family of MCF Solutions for the Heisenberg Group. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 71, P. 101633, 2020.
113. Souza. M. A.; Pina, R. da S. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Classes Weingarten Surfaces S^2 x R. Houston Journal Mathematics, V. 46, P. 651-664, 2020.
112. Souza. M. A.; Pina, R. da S. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Classes Weingarten Surfaces S^2 x R. Houston Journal Mathematics, V. 46, P. 651-664, 2020.
111. Corro, A. M. V. ; Souza, M. A. ; Pina, R.; Classes Weingarten Surfaces S^2 x R. Houston Journal Mathematics, V. 46, P. 651-664, 2020.
110. Corro, A. M. V.; Rodrigues, L. A. ; Ferro, M. L. ; K-Isothermic Hypersurfaces. Nexus Mathematicae, V. 3, P. 1-20, 2020.
109. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Araújo, R. P. ; Graph-Type Biharmonic Surfaces in R3. Selecciones Matematicas, V. 7, P. 97-107, 2020.
108. Corro, A. M. V.; Pina, R. ; de Souza, M. A.; Classes of Weingarten Surfaces in S2xR. Houston Journal Mathematics, V. 46, P. 651-664, 2020.
107. Vargas Junior, V., ; Chaves, A. P. A. ; Holanda, F. B. L. ; Andrade, K. S. ; Vargas, T. M. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Chaves, R. Q. ; Resolução Comentada das Provas da XXVIII OMEG. Revista da Olimpíada, V. 15, P. 5-22, 2020.
106. Ferro, M. L.; Corro, A. M. V.; Rodrigues, L. A. ; K-Isothermic Hypersurfaces. Nexus Mathematicæ, V. 3, P. 1-20, 2020.
105. Pina, R. da S.; Adriano, L. R. R. ; Barboza, M. B. B. ; Tokura; On Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 473, P. 201-214, 2019.
104. Gomes, J. N. V. ; Pina, R. ; Feitosa, F. ; Freitas, A. ; Gradient Ricci Almost Soliton Warped Product. ; Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 143, P. 22-32, 2019.
103. Pina, R. da S.; Adriano, L. R. R. ; Barboza, M. B. B. ; Tokura; On Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 473, P. 201-214, 2019.
102. Tokura, W. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B. ; On Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 473, P. 201-214, 2019.
101. Neto, B. L.; Solórzano, Newton; Static Perfect Fluid Spacetime with Half Conformally Flat Spatial Factor. Manuscripta Mathematica, V. 160, P. 51-63, 2019.
100. dos Santos, João Paulo ; Neto, B. L.; Reduction of the N-Dimensional Static Vacuum Einstein Equation and Generalized Schwarzschild Solutions. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 469, P. 882-896, 2019.
099. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V.; Generalized Helmholtz Equation. Selecciones Matemáticas, V. 6, P. 19-25, 2019.
098. Tokura, W. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R. ; Barboza, M. B. ; On Warped Product Gradient Yamabe Solitons. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 473, P. 201-214, 2019.
097. dos Reis, H. F. Santos; Tenenblat, K.; Soliton Solutions to the Curve Shortening Flow on the Sphere. American Mathematical Society. Proceedings, V. 148, P. 1, 2019.
096. Chávez, N. M. S. ; Lopez, E. ; Marcelo Souza. On Spherically Symmetric Douglas Metrics with Vanishing S-Curvature with Explicit Examples. Nexus Mathematicae, V. 2, P. 1-16, 2019.
095. Pina, R. da S. ; Carvalho, M. T. ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Prescribed Schouten Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Results Mathematics, V. 74, P. 1-12, 2019.
094. Pina, R. da S.; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Carvalho, M. T. ; Prescribed Schouten Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Results Mathematics, V. 74, P. 12-168, 2019.
093. Pina, R. da S.; dos Santos, J. P. ; Group-Invariant Solutions for the Ricci Curvature Equation and the Einstein Equation. Journal Differential Equations, V. 225, P. 2214-2231, 2019.
092. Pina, R. da S. ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Carvalho, M. T. ; Prescribed Schouten Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Results Mathematics, V. 74, P. 12-168, 2019.
091. Corro, A. M. V.; Dias, D. G. ; Riveros, C. M. C. ; A Class of Generalized Special Weingarten Surfaces. International Journal Mathematics, V. 30, P. 1950075-1-1950075-26, 2019.
090. Vargas Junior, V. ; Chaves, R. Q. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Vargas, T. M. ; Chaves, A. P. A. ; Holanda, F. B. L. ; Andrade, K. S. ; Resolução Comentada das Provas da XXVII OMEG. Revista da Olimpíada, V. 14, P. 5-20, 2019.
089. Silva, C. R. ; Souza. M. A. ; Pina, R. da S. ; On the Study of a Class of Non-Linear Differential Equations on Compact Riemannian Manifolds. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 92, P. 277-292, 2018.
088. Silva, C. R. ; Souza. M. A. ; Pina, R. da S. ; On the Study of a Class of Non-Linear Differential Equations on Compact Riemannian Manifolds. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 92, P. 277-292, 2018.
087. Pina, R. ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Prescribed Curvature Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 123, P. 438-447, 2018.
086. Pina, R. da S.; Souza, M. A. ; Silva, C. R.; On the Study of a Class of Non-Linear Differential Equations on Compact Riemannian Manifolds. Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen, V. 92, P. 277-292, 2018.
085. Neto, B. L. ; Pina, R. da S. ; On the Structure of Einstein Warped Product Semi-Riemannian Manifolds. Journal Integrable Systems, V. 3, P. 1-11, 2018.
084. Neto, B. L.; Tenenblat, K; On Gradient Yamabe Solitons Conformal to a Pseudo-Euclidean Space. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 123, P. 284-291, 2018.
083. Neto, B. L.; Barboza, M. B. ; Pina, R. da S. ; Invariant Solutions for the Einstein Field Equation. Journal Mathematical Physics, V. 59, P. 062501, 2018.
082. Neto, B. L.; Sousa, M. L. ; Pina, R. da S. ; On the Structure of Einstein Warped Product Semi-Riemannian Manifolds. Journal Integrable Systems, V. 3, P. 1-11, 2018.
081. Cintra, A. A.; Onnis, I. I. ; Enneper Representation of Minimal Surfaces in the Three-Dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski Space. Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata, V. 197, P. 21-39, 2018.
080. Barboza, M. B.; Neto, B. L. ; Pina, R.; Invariant Solutions for the Einstein Field Equation. Journal Mathematical Physics, V. 59, P. 062501, 2018.
079. dos Reis, H. F. Santos; Tenenblat, K.; The Mean Curvature Flow by Parallel Hypersurfaces. American Mathematical Society. Proceedings, V. 146, P. 4867-4878, 2018.
078. Pina, R.; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Prescribed Curvature Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 123, P. 438-447, 2018.
077. Pina, R. da S.; Neto, B. L. ; Barboza, M. B. B. ; Invariant Solutions for the Einstein Field Equation. Journal Mathematical Physics, V. 59, P. 1-9, 2018.
076. Corro, A. M. V.; Karoline V. Fernandes ; Carlos M. C. Riveros. Generalized Weingarten Surfaces of Harmonic Type in Hyperbolic 3-Space. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 58, P. 202-226, 2018.
075. Carlos M. C. Riveros ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Laguerre Type Surfaces. Nexus Mathematicae, V. 1, P. 16-29, 2018.
074. Corro, A. M. V.; Riveros, C. M. C. ; Karoline V. Fernandes; Isothermic Surfaces and Solutions to the Calapso Equation. Serdica Mathematical Journal, V. 44, P. 341-364, 2018.
073. Vargas Junior, V. ; Chaves, R. Q. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Vargas, T. M. ; Chaves, A. P. A. ; Holanda, F. B. L. ; Andrade, K. S. ; Macedo, A. C. ; Resolução Comentada das Provas da XXVI OMEG. Revista da Olimpíada, V. 13, P. 4-23, 2018.
072. Pina, R. da S.; Sousa, M. L. ; Gradient Ricci Solitons with Structure Warped Product. Results Mathematics, V. 71, P. 825-840, 2017.
071. Pina, R. da S.; Neto, B. L. ; Invariant Solutions for the Static Vacuum Equation. Journal Mathematical Physics, V. 58, P. 072502, 2017.
070. Pina, R. da S.; Sousa, M. L. ; Gradient Ricci Solitons with Structure Warped Product. Results Mathematics, V. 71, P. 825-840, 2017.
069. Du, F. ; Wang, Qiaoling ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pereira, R. G.; Eigenvalue Inequalities for the Markov Diffusion Operator. Monatshefte Fur Mathematik, V. 185, P. 207-230, 2017.
068. Neto, B. L.; Pina, R. da S. ; Invariant Solutions for the Static Vacuum Equation. Journal Mathematical Physics, V. 58, P. 072502, 2017.
067. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Vasquez, Armando; Laplace Invariants of Hypersurfaces Parametrized by Lines of Curvature. Selecciones Matemáticas, V. 4, P. 30-37, 2017.
066. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Vasquez, Armando; Hypersurfaces with Planar Lines of Curvature in Euclidean Space. Selecciones Matemáticas, V. 4, P. 152-161, 2017.
065. Du, F. ; Wang, Qiaoling ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pereira, R. G. Eigenvalue Inequalities for the Markov Diffusion Operator. Monatshefte Fur Mathematik, V. Null, P. 1-24, 2017.
064. Cintra, A. A.; Mercuri, F. ; Onnis, I. I. ; Minimal Surfaces in the Lorentzian Heisenberg Group and Damek-Ricci Spaces via the Weierstrass Representation. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 121, P. 396-412, 2017.
063. Pina, R. da S.; Sousa, M. L. ; A Family of Warped Product Semi-Riemannian Einstein Metrics. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 50, P. 105-115, 2017.
062. Neto, B. L.; Baltazar, H. ; A Note on the Nonexistence of Multiple Black Holes in Static Vacuum Einstein Space-Times. Illinois Journal Mathematics, V. 60, P. 811-818, 2017.
061. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Geodesic Minimal Surfaces. Mathematical Notes, V. 101, P. 497-514, 2017.
060. Pina, R. da S.; Araújo, K. O. ; Cui, N. ; Helicoidal Minimal Surfaces in a Conformally Flat 3-Space. Bulletin The Korean Mathematical Society, V. 53, P. 531-540, 2016.
059. Pereira, R. G. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Cavalheiro, A.; Universal Inequalities for Eigenvalues of a System of Elliptic Equations with the Drifting Laplacian. Monatshefte Fur Mathematik (Print), V. 181, P. 797-820, 2016.
058. Neto, B. L.; Oliveira, H. P. de; Generalized Quasi-Yamabe Gradient Solitons. Differential Geometry and Its Applications, V. 49, P. 167-175, 2016.
057. Neto, B. L.; Generalized Quasi-Einstein Manifolds with Harmonic Anti-Self-Dual Weyl Tensor. Archiv Der Mathematik (Printed Ed.), V. 106, P. 489-499, 2016.
056. Neto, B. L.; A Note on (Anti-)Self-Dual Quasi-Yamabe Gradient Solitons. Results Mathematics / Resultate Der Mathematik, V. 2, P. 1-7, 2016.
055. Pereira, R. G.; Adriano, L. R. ; Cavalheiro, A.; Universal Inequalities for Eigenvalues of a System of Elliptic Equations with the Drifting Laplacian. Monatshefte Fur Mathematik (Print), V. 181, P. 797-820, 2016.
054. Ferro, M. L.; Rodrigues, L. A. ; Tenenblat, K.; On Dupin Hypersurfaces in R5 Parametrized by Lines of Curvature. Results Mathematics, V. 70, P. 499-531, 2016.
053. Cintra, A. A.; Mercuri, F. ; Onnis, I. I. ; The Björling Problem for Minimal Surfaces in a Lorentzian Three-Dimensional Lie Group. Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata, V. 195, P. 95-110, 2016.
052. Dias, D. G. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Classes of Generalized Weingarten Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space. Advances Geometry, V. 16, P. 45-55, 2016.
051. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Barbosa, S. O. ; Harmonic Surfaces of Graphic Type in R³. Selecciones Matemáticas, V. 3, P. 1-7, 2016.
050. Pieterzack, M. D.; Pina, R. ; Adriano, L. R. R. ; Prescribed Diagonal Ricci Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 421, P. 893-904, 2015.
049. Adriano, L. R. R. ; Pina, R. ; Pereira, R. G. ; Universal Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Polydrifting Laplacian Operator on Compact Domains in Rn and Sn. Annals Global Analysis and Geometry, V. 47, P. 373-397, 2015.
048. Adriano, L. R. R.; Pina. R. da S. ; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Prescribed Diagonal Ricci Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), V. 421, P. 893-904, 2015.
047. Pereira, R. G. ; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R.; Universal Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Polydrifting Laplacian Operator on Compact Domains in Rn and Sn. Annals Global Analysis and Geometry, V. 47, P. 373-397, 2015.
046. Neto, B. L. ; Ribeiro Jr, E. ; Critical Metrics for the Total Scalar Curvature Functional on 4-Manifolds. Mathematische Nachrichten, P. N/A-N/A, 2015.
045. Neto, B. L.; A Note on Critical Point Metrics for the Total Scalar Curvature Functional. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 424, P. 1544-1548, 2015.
044. Pereira, R. G.; Adriano, L. R. ; Pina, R.; Universal Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Polydrifting Laplacian Operator on Compact Domains in Rn and Sn. Annals Global Analysis and Geometry, V. 47, P. 373-397, 2015.
043. Pina, R. da S.; Pieterzack, M. D. ; Adriano, L. R. R. ; Prescribed Diagonal Ricci Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), V. 421, P. 893-904, 2015.
042. Tenenblat, K. ; Barbosa, E. R. ; Pina, R. da S. ; On Gradient Ricci Solitons Conformal to a Pseudo-Euclidean Space. ; Israel Journal Mathematics, V. 200, P. 213-224, 2014.
041. Corro, A. M. V.; Martinez, A. ; Tenenblat, K. ; Ribaucour Transformations for Flat Surfaces in the Hyperbolic 3-Space. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V. 412, P. 720-743, 2014.
040. Pieterzack, M. D.; Pina, R.; Prescribed Diagonal Schouten Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal Geometry, V. 104, P. 341-355, 2013.
039. Pieterzack, M. D. ; Pina, R.; Prescribed Diagonal Schouten Tensor on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds. Journal Geometry, V. 104, P. 341-355, 2013.
038. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; Surfaces with Constant Chebyshev Angle Ii. Tokyo Journal Mathematics, V. 36, P. 379-386, 2013.
037. Ferro, M. L.; Rodrigues, L. A. ; Tenenblat, K.; On a Class of Dupin Hypersurfaces in R5 with Nonconstant Lie Curvature. Geometriae Dedicata, V. 169, P. 301-321, 2013.
036. Riveros, C. M. C. ; Corro, A. M. V. ; A Characterization of the Catenoid and Helicoid. International Journal Mathematics, V. 24, P. 1350045-1-1350045-11, 2013.
035. Costa, V. G. ; Stoppa, M. H. ; Dantas, C. A. ; Lemes, M. ; Algoritmo de REX No Cálculo de Áreas. ; CEPPG Revista (Catalão), V. 1, P. 41-55, 2013.
034. Corro, A. M. V.; Riveros, C. M. C. ; Surfaces with Constant Chebyshev Angle. Tokyo Journal Mathematics, V. 35, P. 359-366, 2012.
033. Lemes, M.; Roitman, P. ; Tenenblat, K. ; Tribuzy, R. ; Lawson Correspondence and Ribaucour Transformations. Transactions The American Mathematical Society, V. 364, P. 6229-6258, 2012.
032. Corro, A. M. V.; Riveros, C. M. C. ; Classes of Hypersurfaces with Vanishing Laplace Invariants. Bulletin The Korean Mathematical Society, V. 49, P. 685-692, 2012.
031. Corro, A. M. V. ; Pina, R. ; Marcelo Souza; Surfaces of Rotation with Constant Extrinsic Curvature in a Conformally Flat 3-Space. Results Mathematics / Resultate Der Mathematik, V. 60, P. 0172, 2011.
030. Corro, A. M. V. ; Pina, R. da S. ; de Souza, M. A.; Surfaces of Rotation with Constant Extrinsic Curvature in a Conformally Flat 3-Space. Results Mathematics / Resultate Der Mathematik, P. 01-09, 2011.
029. Adriano, L. R.; Xia, C.; Hardy-Type Inequalities on Complete Riemannian Manifolds. Monatshefte Fur Mathematik (Print), V. 163, P. 115-129, 2011.
028. Adriano, L. R.; Xia, C.; On Complete Manifolds Supporting a Weighted Sobolev Type Inequality. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V. 44, P. 940-946, 2011.
027. Pina, R. da S.; Tenenblat, K. ; On the Ricci Curvature Equation and the Einstein Equation for Diagonal Tensors. Matematica Contemporanea, V. 40, P. 213-226, 2011.
026. Corro, A. M. V.; Pina, R. da S. ; Souza, M. A. ; Surfaces of Rotation with Constant Extrinsic Curvature in a Conformally Flat 3-Space. Results Mathematics / Resultate Der Mathematik, V. 60, P. 225-234, 2011.
025. Adriano, L. R. R.; Xia, C.; Sobolev Type Inequalities on Riemannian Manifolds. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), V. 371, P. 372-383, 2010.
024. Corro, A. M. V.; Martinez, A. ; Milán, F. ; Complete Flat Surfaces with Two Isolated Singularities in Hyperbolic 3-Space. Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), V. 366, P. 582-592, 2010.
023. Pina, R. da S.; Tenenblat, K. ; On Solutions to the Ricci Curvature Equation and the Einstein Equation. Israel Journal Mathematics, V. 171, P. 61-76-76, 2009.
022. Pina, R. da S.; Tenenblat, K. ; A Class of Solutions to the Ricci and Einstein Equations. Journal of Geometry and Physics, V. 53, P. 881-888, 2007.
021. Pina, R. da S.; Tenenblat, K. ; On the Ricci and Einstein Equations in the Pseudo-Euclidean and Hyperbolic Spaces. Differential Geometry and Its Applicatins, V. 24, P. 101-107, 2006.
020. Corro, A. M. V. ; Generalized Weingarten Surfaces of Bryant Type in Hyperbolic 3-Space. Matemática Contemporânea, V. 30, P. 71-89, 2006.
019. Corro, A. M. V.; Tenemblat, K. ; Ferreira, W. ; Transformations for Hypersurfaces with Vanishing Gauss-Kronecker Curvature. Beitrage R Algebra Geom, Alemanha, V. 46, N.2, P. 523-535, 2005.
018. Lemes, M.; Tenenblat, K. ; On Ribaucour Transformations and Minimal Surfaces. Matematica Contemporanea, V. 29, P. 13-40, 2005.
017. de Souza, M. A. ; Spruck, Joel ; Tenenblat, K. ; Marcelo Souza; A Bernstein-Type Theorem in a Randers Space. Mathematische Annalen, Germany, V. 329, N.2, P. 291-305, 2004.
016. Marcelo Souza; Silva, E. F. ; Geometria e álgebra: Construções Geométricas Possíveis e Impossíveis. ; Revista da Olimpíada, Goiânia: Editora da Ufg, V. 1, N.05, P. 44-53, 2004.
015. Pieterzack, M. D. ; 2003: 40 Anos da Criação do IMF. Revista Sigma, V. V1, P. 1-5, 2004.
014. Pieterzack, M. D. ; Entrevista Com a Professora Zaira da Cunha Melo Varizo. Revista Sigma, V. V1, P. 6-18, 2004.
013. Pina, R. da S.; Teenblat, K. ; Conformal Metric and Ricci Tensor on the Sphere. Proceedings The American Mathematical Society, V. 132, P. 3715-3724, 2004.
012. Corro, A. M. V.; Tenenblat, K. ; Ribaucour Transformations Revisited. Communications Analysis and Geometry, Estados Unidos, V. 12, N.5, P. 1055-1082, 2004.
011. de Souza, M. A. ; Tenenblat, K. ; Marcelo Souza; Minimal Surfaces in a Finsler Space with a Randers Metric. Mathematische Annalen, Berlin, V. 325, N.4, P. 625-642, 2003.
010. Pina, R. da S.; Garcia, R. A. ; Ricci Tensor with Rotational Symmetry in Rn. Resenhas do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, V. 6, P. 73-84, 2003.
009. Corro, A. M. V.; Ferreira, W. ; Tenenblat, K. ; Minimal Surfaces Obtained by Ribaucour Transformations. ; Geometriae Dedicata, Nettherlands, V. 96, N.1, P. 117-150, 2003.
008. Corro, A. M. V.; Tenenblat, K. ; Ferreira, W. ; Ribaucour Transformations for Constant Mean Curvature and Linear Weingarten Surfaces. Pacific Journal Mathematics, Berkeley, V. 212, N.2, P. 265-295, 2003.
007. Pina, R. da S.; Tenenblat, K. ; On Metrics Satisfying the Equation Rij-K/2gij = Tij for Constant Tensors T. Journal of Geometry and Physics, Itália, V. 40, P. 379-383, 2002.
006. Pina, R. da S.; Teenblat, K. ; Conformal Metrics and Ricci Tensors on the Pseudo-Euclidean Space. Proceedings The American Mathematical Society, Usa, V. 129, P. 1149-1160, 2001.
005. Corro, A. M. V.; Ferreira, W. ; Tenenblat, K. ; On Ribaucour Transformations. Crm Proceedings & Lecture Notes, Estados Unidos, V. 29, P. 151-157, 2001.
004. Pieterzack, M. D. ; Números Reais. Revista da Olimpíada, Ime/Ufg, V. 01, N.01, P. 75-100, 2000.
003. Pina, R. da S. ; O V Axioma de Euclides. Revista da Olimpíada, Goiânia, V. 01, N.1, P. 101-108, 2000.
002. Pina, R. da S. ; Conformal Metrics and Ricci Tensors on the Hyperbolic Space. Matemática Contemporânea, Brasil, V. 17, P. 267-282, 1999.
001. Corro, A. M. V.; Ferreira, W. ; Tenenblat, K. ; On Ribaucour Transformations for Hypersurfaces. Matemática Contemporânea, Brasil, V. 17, P. 137-160, 1999.